Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Smart Media Pyramid Scheme, Is Smart Media Technologies a Pyramid Scheme

  This is my blog post talking about Smart Media Pyramid Scheme. If you are asking the question is Smart Media Technologies a Pyramid Scheme, this Smart Media Pyramid Scheme blog post will answer the question is Smart Media Technologies a Pyramid Scheme. Go and finish reading the rest of this post so you will know the answer to the question is Smart Media Technologies a scam or not.

  The Internet these day are filled of scams and all different types of frauds. When I am thinking about joining any type of website or ready to any thing online, I check very carefully to find out if it is a scam or not. If you do not do your own research online you will find your self being scammed.

  Pyramid schemes are illegal and if a company is classified as a pyramid scheme, then it will get shut down. The last thing anyone wants to be is, is getting stuck in a pyramid scheme. The one thing that people get confused about are mlm (multi level marketing). A mlm is a real way to make money online. The way mlm are structured and if the company has a ligament product or service that is truly legal.

  Smart Media Technologies is not a scam or a pyramid scheme. Smart Media is a very unique mlm with many different ways to earn income online. Smart Media Technologies not only has a legit product, there product is very different then any other mlm out there.

  Smart Media Technologies is the business end of Yobsn. Yobsn is Smart Media's product. Yobsn is a free social media website. If you want to learn more about Smart Media Technologies or Yobsn go and check out some of my older blog post (my blog covers about every thing you would need to know about Yobsn and Smart Media Technologies).

  There has been a bunch of talk going on about Smart Media and Home Page Pays. Lately many people have been joining this company because it has every thing you could want in a mlm. Great product, free to use and so many ways you can get paid. I feel that if you are thinking of joining a mlm, Smart Media Technologies is your best option.

  I have found that most people that starts Smart Media Technologies, joins Yobsn first. By starting Yobsn for free (click Yobsn to start) you can try Smart Media Technology's product for free and know what you will be offering to people. After joining Yobsn, you can join Smart Media Technologies any time by clicking the link at the bottom left corner of your Yobsn website. You can also go to the Smart Media website by clicking Smart Media Technologies.

  What I am saying is Smart Media Technologies and Yobsn looks like they will be the next big thing in multi level marketing world. There is a bunch of different mlm out there, but Smart Media by far stands alone. If you are looking to start or check out the Smart Media and Yobsn website, I put the links below. Any questions about this company then post a comment below and I will be glad to answer your question. If you want more information about the company read some of my older blog post.

Smart Media Technologies


  1. This is no way a pyramid scheme. I can't believe that people could even think that this is in any way a scam. This is not a scam, its a great company.

    1. says the person with the same last name :)

  2. I keep on thinking about all the business opportunities that are made available to the online public.There are some scary opportunities all over the internet.I think the reason is that businesses have found out that through multilevel online networking they can expand their portfolios expoentially. Plus they rarely come face to face with their victims. the people who invested and believed in their companies and who have lost both time and money... So of course people will rightly ask whether Smart Media is legit ... Smart Media ,is not only legitimate. it has single handedly changed the very foundation of how millions of people use the internet. Think about it millions of people sit around their computers working. having free access to browsers increasing the earnings of internet companies. Smart Media asks the question that if you are willing to spend time on the internet why not be paid for it...actually look at the ADs being posted, connect with these products.Play online games use educational software freely. earn smart points and shop using them ... get paid by giving away this product so that others can become free members GENIUS.Other companies will soon have to adopt a similar model or fade away... Mark my words Smart Media has started an online revolution. that can only be compared to joining Google as an investor when they first begun.. Its still possible to make you internet fortune by joining smart media

    1. Oh really? I believe Smart Media has already released their HPP v2 but only to its Paid Representatives. And i believe that only HHP v2, that the Pay Per Click and Pay Per Impression are activated.

      Now the question is, How can you as a Paid Representative earn from your Free Members if they don't have access to HPP v2? Isn't that a "SCAM"?

      My definition of SCAM is: if a business is built by promising something to its shareholders and has not truthful to it, then that business is a "SCAM".

  3. I am a smart media representative as well. The reason why HPP v2 is released to the members only at this stage is because it is still in its trial period. Once all the problems have been ironed out it will be released to all its members, free included. And by the way I have nothing to gain from commenting on this blog.

  4. Thanks for your comment, at least some one understands Smart Media. Some people just like to post bad comments because they must hate going to there job every day.

    Stephen, I am not talking about you. I am talking about the people that post bad comments on my blog and are too chicken to put there real names on here.

  5. Robert i have just joined will like some insight pls...


  6. I hope rumors are not true that this company is pyramid scheme - I heard that this company has gone extra mile to reach their heights noe.

    Point of Purchase Display

  7. This company is not a pyramid scheme or a scam.
