This blog post is about the most unusual mlm. This company is not a typical mlm company. This unusual mlm company is very different then most mlm companies. I have saw many mlm companies out there but this is different then all the others mlm companies out there. My opinion is that this mlm company is the best one out there.
There is many mlm companies out now. They all have there own compensation plan. The best mlm companies have many different income streams. Usaully the more income streams you have the better off you are on making money with the company.
The company that I am working with has many different ways of earning money with this mlm company. This company not only have multipal bonuses but you can also earn money on pay per click and pay per impression. Now I know that it is unheard of getting paid with pay per click and pay per impression. You also earn from pay per clicks and impressions off your free customers also. I have never heard of a company paying on that.
Another thing you need when choosing a mlm company is that company needs to have a good product. Most of the time the product is a dietary suppliment or some thing that most people do not need or want. That is one of the biggest problems about mlm products.
The company that I am with has a product that most people can use daily. Not only most adults but kids can even use it. The product that my company offers is a social media website with games, free software, ways to win free stuff and a bargan finder that will help you find the best deals online. This website also has how to videos ranging from learing Face Book and Twitter to, learning Yale and Standford courses.
There are many mlm out there but I have never seen one offer even half of what this one has to offer. The best thing the company is adding more to the website, to make it even better. If you want to learn more about this company, go check out some of my older blog post. I have also attached links below to the company website and the company product (social media website). If you have any questions feel free to post a comment below and I will get back to you. I really feel that this mlm is going to go viral.
Company Website
Company Product
This blog is about Smart Media Technologies and Home Page Pays. This blog will tell you a bunch of very useful information about Smart Media and Home Page Pays.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Not a Typical MLM Company, Most Unusual MLM Company
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ReplyDeletePeople need to stop posting there link on my blog, go write your own blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!