Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Not a Typical MLM Company, Most Unusual MLM Company

  This blog post is about the most unusual mlm. This company is not a typical mlm company. This unusual mlm company is very different then most mlm companies. I have saw many mlm companies out there but this is different then all the others mlm companies out there. My opinion is that this mlm company is the best one out there.

  There is many mlm companies out now. They all have there own compensation plan. The best mlm companies have many different income streams. Usaully the more income streams you have the better off you are on making money with the company.

  The company that I am working with has many different ways of earning money with this mlm company. This company not only have multipal bonuses but you can also earn money on pay per click and pay per impression. Now I know that it is unheard of getting paid with pay per click and pay per impression. You also earn from pay per clicks and impressions off your free customers also. I have never heard of a company paying on that.

  Another thing you need when choosing a mlm company is that company needs to have a good product. Most of the time the product is a dietary suppliment or some thing that most people do not need or want. That is one of the biggest problems about mlm products.

  The company that I am with has a product that most people can use daily. Not only most adults but kids can even use it. The product that my company offers is a social media website with games, free software, ways to win free stuff and a bargan finder that will help you find the best deals online. This website also has how to videos ranging from learing Face Book and Twitter to, learning Yale and Standford courses.

  There are many mlm out there but I have never seen one offer even half of what this one has to offer. The best thing the company is adding more to the website, to make it even better. If you want to learn more about this company, go check out some of my older blog post. I have also attached links below to the company website and the company product (social media website). If you have any questions feel free to post a comment below and I will get back to you. I really feel that this mlm is going to go viral.

Company Website
Company Product

Saturday, November 17, 2012

What is Home Page Pays 2.0, Home Page Pays 2.0 Review

  This blog post will answer the question what is Home Page Pays 2.0. I am making this post so people will understand what is Home Page Pays 2.0. After reading the rest of this post you should know what is Home Page Pays 2.0. If you still have question about Home Page Pays 2.0, you could post a comment below and ask a question about Home Page Pays.

  If you do not know what Home Page Pays is, then you should take a look at my older blog post. This post, I will be discussing the new updates that are going to be added to Home Page Pays. My other blog post covers every thing you will need to know about Home Page Pays and Smart Media Technologies. So if you need to, check out some of my older blog post to find out more information about Smart Media and Home Page Pays.

  Home Page Pays 2.0 will have a few new features added to Home Page Pays. The features that will be add to Home Page Pays is Smart Media Communications, Smart Media Games and Smart Points Reward Store.

  Smart Media Communications will bring a hole social media aspect to Home Page Pays. The communication feature will bring Home Page Pays to the level of FaceBook and Twiiter, but all rolled up into one social media website. You will have access to things like Smart Chat, Smart Chirp and Smart Mail Systems. Smart Chat will be like Instant Messager or like the news feed on FaceBook. Smart Chirp is similar to tweeting on Twitter. The Smart Mail System is emailing but with great spam blocking technology. There is other things that comes with Smart Media Communications like being able to create a avatars, adding friends or sending friend request. Plus you will be able to do actions like giving hugs and sending gifts.

  The Smart Media Games is going to have games that are different then any other online gaming website. Smart Media Games will be interactive and you will be able to play with people all over the world. There is one thing that Smart Media has that know other gaming website has, points. After playing you will find that playing Smart Media Games you will be able to earn Smart Points.

  There is many different ways to earn Smart Points and playing games is just one of those ways. When you earn Smart Points you will be able to use them at the Smart Points Rewards Store. People will be able to go to the Smart Points Rewards Store and use your smart points like money.

  My opinion is, when Home Page Pays 2.0 releases it is going to really take off. It will be great to say that you got in with Home Page Pays when it was just starting out. To register with Home Page Pays for free click Home Page Pays.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Smart Media Pyramid Scheme, Is Smart Media Technologies a Pyramid Scheme

  This is my blog post talking about Smart Media Pyramid Scheme. If you are asking the question is Smart Media Technologies a Pyramid Scheme, this Smart Media Pyramid Scheme blog post will answer the question is Smart Media Technologies a Pyramid Scheme. Go and finish reading the rest of this post so you will know the answer to the question is Smart Media Technologies a scam or not.

  The Internet these day are filled of scams and all different types of frauds. When I am thinking about joining any type of website or ready to any thing online, I check very carefully to find out if it is a scam or not. If you do not do your own research online you will find your self being scammed.

  Pyramid schemes are illegal and if a company is classified as a pyramid scheme, then it will get shut down. The last thing anyone wants to be is, is getting stuck in a pyramid scheme. The one thing that people get confused about are mlm (multi level marketing). A mlm is a real way to make money online. The way mlm are structured and if the company has a ligament product or service that is truly legal.

  Smart Media Technologies is not a scam or a pyramid scheme. Smart Media is a very unique mlm with many different ways to earn income online. Smart Media Technologies not only has a legit product, there product is very different then any other mlm out there.

  Smart Media Technologies is the business end of Yobsn. Yobsn is Smart Media's product. Yobsn is a free social media website. If you want to learn more about Smart Media Technologies or Yobsn go and check out some of my older blog post (my blog covers about every thing you would need to know about Yobsn and Smart Media Technologies).

  There has been a bunch of talk going on about Smart Media and Home Page Pays. Lately many people have been joining this company because it has every thing you could want in a mlm. Great product, free to use and so many ways you can get paid. I feel that if you are thinking of joining a mlm, Smart Media Technologies is your best option.

  I have found that most people that starts Smart Media Technologies, joins Yobsn first. By starting Yobsn for free (click Yobsn to start) you can try Smart Media Technology's product for free and know what you will be offering to people. After joining Yobsn, you can join Smart Media Technologies any time by clicking the link at the bottom left corner of your Yobsn website. You can also go to the Smart Media website by clicking Smart Media Technologies.

  What I am saying is Smart Media Technologies and Yobsn looks like they will be the next big thing in multi level marketing world. There is a bunch of different mlm out there, but Smart Media by far stands alone. If you are looking to start or check out the Smart Media and Yobsn website, I put the links below. Any questions about this company then post a comment below and I will be glad to answer your question. If you want more information about the company read some of my older blog post.

Smart Media Technologies

What is Smart Media Technologies Matching Bonus

  This post will tell you about the Smart Media Technologies Matching Bonus. If you are looking to find out or understand how the Smart Media Technologies Matching Bonus works, then finish reading this blog post.

  If you do not know or understand what is Smart Media Technologies then you should take a look at some of my older post. To understand the Smart Media Technologies Matching Bonus you must first understand what is Smart Media Technologies and you can easily do so by taking a look at older blog post.

  To qualify for the Smart Media Matching Bonuses, you must have purchased the Super Value Package. Once qualified, matching bonuses are paid on the team commissions of every rep. in your direct line of sponsorship to three levels. The matching bonus is paid on three levels deep and to infinity wide. You will be able to get paid 20% on your first and second levels. Also be able to get a 10% on your third level.

  Now lets go over in dept of each level. To get paid on your first level you will need a total of six reps.. You are able to have it two different ways. You can have two on your left and four on your right. The other way is three on the left and three on the right.

  Getting paid on your second level you will need to have twelve people in your second level. You can go about doing that a few different ways. You could have three on the left and nine on the right. Another way is four on the left and eight on the right. You could also have five on the left and seven on the right. Finally the last way is six on the left and six on the right.

  To get paid on your level three you will need to have fourteen reps. on your third level. The first way you can go about doing that is by having four on the left and ten on the right. Another ways is five on the left and nine on the right. You could also have six on the left and eight on the right. Finally the last way is seven on the left and seven on the right.

  This is a very important part about the Smart Media Technologies Matching Bonuses that you need to know. Not only do you need to be a super rep. but the people you and your down line puts into the company also needs to be a super rep.. So what that means is that you need to have six super reps. on your first level, twelve super reps on your second and fourteen super reps. on your third level. So to get paid with the matching bonus on that level, they need to be super reps..

  I understand by after reading this, this might sound like it could be a very hard thing to achieve. Also remember that there is many different ways to earn income with Smart Media Technologies and the matching bonuses is just on of those ways.

  If you are looking for more information on Smart Media or Home Page Pays go check out some of the older post on my blog. If you still have any question feel free to post a comment and ask me a question. If you have not joined Smart Media Technologies then join under me by clicking Smart Media Technologies. Being successful in any home base business it knowing and understanding the company. That is why I could help you and help you grow your business by choosing to join under me.

To join under me just click Smart Media Technologies.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

How to Join Smart Media Technologies

  This blog post is about how to join Smart Media Technologies. It is very easy to learn how to join Smart Media Technologies. Feel free to read the rest of this post so you can start Smart Media Technologies.

  The first thing you need to do is be on the Smart Media Technologies website. If you do not know your sponsors link you can just type in smartmediatechnologies.com, but they will still ask you for your user name of  your sponsor. You could put my user name if you do not know your sponsors user name. My user name it really easy, it's "starttoday" You could also go direct by clicking here Smart Media Technologies.

  Once your on the site go to the top right tab on the page that reads join. After that it will take you to  where you choose your package. Choose what package you want (you can always upgrade your package to a different one at any time).

  Finally, you will get to the page where you enter your name, user name, password, billing information etc. Remember if you are looking for someone to help you in how to build your business, then be sure to enter the user name starttoday when signing up.

  If you have any questions about Smart Media Technologies or want to know more about this great opportunity, post a comment below or check some of my older post about Smart Media Technologies and Home Page Pays.